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The Interview


Preparing For Your Interview

Congratulations, you got an interview! Now what? Interviewing isn't as scary as it is made out to be. If you adequately prepare yourself and conduct yourself in a professional manner, you should do great! When preparing for an interview, make sure to:

  1. Do Your Research. Go to the company's website to gather background information. Be prepared to answer questions like, "What do you know about our company?" and "Why do you want to work for us?" Knowing as much about the company's past as well as future plans gives you something to talk about during the interview and makes you stick out as a candidate.

  2. Practice. Practice with a friend or record yourself so that you can see how well you did and where you need to improve. Take advantage of the resources JMU provides as well, such as mock interviews and InterviewStream through CAP and Recruit-A-Duke

  3. Run Through. Research typical questions that interviewers ask during a behavioral interview, then write out the answers you will say. Bullet point several examples or situations, then choose the best one. Take a look at the job description and notice the type of skills necessary for the job. Does it say that the company is looking for an "organized individual with the ability to multi-task?" Think of a time that you can reference where you were able to multi-task during a stressful situation and how organization may have helped you get through it.

  4. STAR Method. Try to use the "STAR" approach whenever possible when answering questions.

S ituation

T ask

A ction

R esult

The STAR approach means that you are provided a question and you think of a challenge or situation you have encountered, state what you had to achieve from this situation (task), then talk about exactly what you did to achieve this (action), and end with the outcome, or result, of your actions. Be sure to mention what you learned from the experience and what you may do differently next time.


During Your Interview

Be sure to be aware of your appearance, etiquette, and body language throughout the entire interview process. Here are some tips for being most successful during an interview:

1. Appearance.

  • Wear a full business suit to every interview. It is always better to be overdressed than underdressed, and it shows that you are professional and care about the job. 

  • For the ladies, if you know you have a tendency to play with your hair, make sure to wear it neatly pulled back. Not only is it distracting for the interviewer, but it can also be a sign of nervousness on your part.

  • It is said that we form our impressions of people within the first five minutes of meeting them. 

2. Etiquette.

  • Have a good, firm handshake.

  • Stand up each time someone new enters the room and shake their hand.

  • Wait for the interviewer to sit down before you do.

  • Stay calm. If you can't think of the answer to a question right away, say something like, "Can I have a second to think about that?" and take your time. The interviewer would rather hear a well thought-out answer than something that is irrelevant.

3. Body Language.

  • As much as 70% of what we communicate is nonverbal. During the interview, make sure you sit up straight with your hands folded in your lap and your feet flat on the floor. Do not cross your arms - this comes across as being closed off!

  • Always smile! Even when you aren't talking, make sure you are smiling and nodding, or "actively listening."


After Your Interview

The interview isn't over when you walk out the door. After your interview, always make sure you:

  1. Say Thank You. It is important to thank every person you interacted with for their time. Visit our Thank You page to learn more!

  2. Follow Up. If you haven't heard anything from the company within a week, send a short e-mail to the person you have been contacting, just asking about the status of your candidacy. For example:

Good Afternoon Mr. ______ ,

I hope you are doing well! I wanted to touch base with you in regards to the status of my candidacy for the ______ position. I am still extremely interested in working for XYZ Company and am very grateful to have had the opportunity to interview with you on Friday. I hope to hear from you soon!


Click Here for a list of the Top 10 Most Common Interview Mistakes 


JMU Career and Academic Planning (CAP) Interview Tips


What You Wish You'd Known Before Your Job Interview

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