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Finding a Job


Online Sources

Online employment websites are a great place to start your job search. Many companies are utilizing online job posting because it provides a more immediate way to reach potential applicants. Companies may chose to post their jobs on their official company website, or they may post on a third-party website such as Monster or Indeed. Recruiters and hiring manager may also reach out universities and colleges and post jobs on their internal sites. You can search on all of these sites in order to increase your chances of finding the perfect job! Below are some online job websites that may help you get started.


JMU Recruit-A-Duke



Snag A Job




Job and Internship Fairs 

Job and Internship fairs are usually held semi-annually by JMU and can also help you jump-start your job search. During the career fair many different companies come to campus looking for candidates for many different positions ranging from part time to career based. Some of these recruiters will also be holding on campus interviews, which are very convenient for fulltime students. Remember that even if you are unsuccessful, your networking efforts from chatting with recruiters may help you land a job in the future. Click HERE for more information on the next JMU Job/Internship Fair



Another great resource to use when looking for a job is the people around you. Remember that a glowing recommendation from a faculty member or industry professional can often help you make it to the top of a stack of resumes. Attending conferences, job fairs or just getting to know your professors are great places to start.


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