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Please read this section to see if your question may have been answered before submitting a message. As always, there is no stupid question! Please include your name in the subject line as well.




1. Do all of my hours have to be from the same location?

No, all of your hours do not have to be from the same location. For example, you can work as a hostess at one restaurant and a banquet server at a different venue during the same summer.


2. What if I am unable to complete 600 hours?

The 600 hours course is a pre-requisite to junior level courses and has to be completed before you enroll in  HM 402: Supervisory Internship. This means you have to complete 600 work hours before the end of your junior year, or you will not be able to enroll in your senior level HM courses.


3. What jobs count towards the 600 hours?

Please refer to the picture below or for more information see our section labeled Approved Positions. Note that the vastness of the industry worldwide makes it impossible to list every job which counts. If you are unsure if the job counts, watch the video on the homepage of this website and review all the written material. If you are still unsure, then contact Reg Foucar-Szocki, the HM internship coordinator through the form at the bottom of this page.




























4. How are the hours logged and verified?

You are responsible for logging your own hours by using the Hours Form highlighted in the course outline. You do not need to keep any pay stubs - the verification is solely based on the JMU Honor Code.


5. Is there an online presence for this class?

​Yes, there is a Canvas site for this course. This is where you will upload your completed hours form.


6. Do JMU Dining Services hours count?

Yes, hours worked with JMU Dining Services definitely count for this course. JMU Dining Services is a great way to earn these hours if you transferred here and do not have an entire summer to devote to your 600 hours. However, JMU Dining Services is different from your HM 212 Externship experience. Only timed clocked hours from your Externship will count towards the 600 hours. If you continued working for JMU Dining Services after your externship, then the rest of those hours count towards your 600. Please note that the hours worked in HM 212 towards themed events does not count towards the 600 hours.


7. What is the difference between this course, HM 310, and the internship course, HM 402, which is 400 hours?

This course is a pre-requisite for your HM 402: Supervisory Internship course. You must complete 600 hours of work in the hospitality industry before obtaining your 400 hour internship. In addition, the HM 402 class (typically taken between the summer of your junior and senior year) needs to be pre-approved before you leave camps to go to work. In other words, with this class and the internship class combined, you will have worked 1,000 hours in the hospitality industry prior to your graduation. This HM 310 course gives you the opportunity to get a feel for the hospitality industry. This is your chance to experience different job positions to better know what you would like to focus your career on.


8. When can I start keeping track of the hours, and when are they due?

The majority of your hours should be earned during your college career. Only 50 hours of experience in the hospitality field previous to high school graduation will count, and these hours have to be from a typical hospitality position: please refer to FAQ question #3.


9. Does this class meet face to face?

No, this class does not meet face to face but does require communication with the instructor via e-mail. In addition, you will be submitting both completed forms verifying your number of hours worked on the Canvas site. After all forms are turned in, all enrolled students will receive a Doodle poll via their JMU email addresses where you will sign up for an exit interview.  The final step is a 30 minute non-formal group exit interview held in Reg's Office, Godwin 373, where each student is required to bring a copy of their most up to date resume.


10. Does the 600 hour work experience have to be paid?

No, this experience does not have to be paid. As long as the unpaid or volunteer experience is within the hospitality industry, those hours can be counted towards your 600. For those students who serve as volunteers doing hotel work, restaurant service, planning events or working at the local soup kitchen, a maximum of 100 volunteer hours may be used.


11. Can past jobs also be counted?

Yes, past jobs can be counted. A maximum of 50 hours of experience in the hospitality field previous to high school graduation may be counted toward the 600 required hours.


12. When do I take this class?

This class is taken before your junior year. Please refer to the Hospitality Course Catalog for a suggested schedule.


13. Can the hours be completed over the summer?

Yes, it is probably easiest for you to complete your 600 hours over the summer between your freshman and sophomore year or between your sophomore and junior year.


14. Am I assigned a job, or do I have to find one?

It is your responsibility to find a job that will count towards your 600 hours. If you need assistance in doing so, please refer to our Resources page on this website.


15. What if my job position isn't listed in the "Approved Positions" page?

We are aware that not every possible position may be listed on this website. There are always unique circumstances, and if you believe you have one, please do not hesitate to contact Reg Foucar-Szocki with your situation. A contact form is provided at the bottom of this page. Please make sure to include your name in the subject line.



Reg Foucar-Szocki


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